Friday, February 28, 2020

Porfessional future Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Porfessional future - Essay Example Brand management has always been important but I sincerely believe that globalisation has both expanded and intensified its importance. While my professional ambitions are centered on brand management, the truth is that wanting a particular career does not mean that one will be successful at that career. Professional success is only partially dependant upon interest and ambitions in and within a particular field and more so on understanding one's abilities, potentials, strengths, weaknesses and limitation and, importantly, selecting a career/profession which is correlated to the aforementioned. In other words, my later professional success is somewhat dependant upon my selecting a career in which my weaknesses and limitations will not function as an obstacle to success and where my strengths will be highlighted and my potential realized. Doing so is ultimately dependant on engagement in deep self-reflection, aiming towards the generation of a greater and more expanded self-awareness. This is precisely what this exercise aims to achieve by responding to a series of five questions, all of which contribute to the realization of the aforementioned. The first question I need to respond to is "where have I been" This question requires that I look back on my past to understand who I am and where I came from, thereby arriving at an understanding of the source of my current abilities, values, interests and beliefs. Starting from the beginning, I was brought up in Paraguay and Korea and, accordingly, am multilingual. While I am now studying marketing communications, I had completed two years of university in Paraguay where I studied English literature. As I reflect upon the stated, I find that they contain part of the answers to the questions earlier posed. Starting with the notion of values and beliefs, I find that while I have very strong beliefs and firm values, I always limit judgments to myself. I do not believe that I, or anyone else for that matter, has the right to judge another person or censure him/her for their beliefs or values. My reasoning is quite straightforward and simple. In brief, each person is a product of his/h er environment and the decisions he/she makes or the actions he/she takes are ultimately dependant on their environment and the circumstances which determined the decision or action in question. Therefore, from my perspective, rather than pass judgment, it is imperative that we make the effort to understand the rationale behind the decision which was made or the action that was taken. Upon critical reflection, I find that the aforementioned attitude is an outcome of my multicultural upbringing and my study of literature. Through exposure to different cultures, I learnt that values and beliefs were ultimately a product of culture and to pass judgment on them is to judge a culture, something which very few people, if any, are equipped to do. Added to that, through exposure to the thought processes and experiences of numerous characters through my reading of English literature, I learnt that the reasons why people undertook certain actions or made decisions were complicated and complex . The implication here is that rather than pass judgment, we need to understand where the other person is coming from and try to meet him/her on their terms in order to

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Team working Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Team working - Essay Example The significance of team work may be explained using the following photograph. The photograph also explains the how efficient service user delivery works, and why it is essential in the success of an organization. Picture illustrating the significance of teamwork ( The above photographs shows men repairing a broken railway line in a team. I have chosen the picture because the broken railway line connects two geographical regions just like consumers and organizations are connected by services and products. The three men on the right side come from the rightward geographic region while those on the left also reside in the region where they are working. I believe that the two groups represent nurses and patients in the real world. The railway line that connects the two regions is similar to services and communication that takes place between nurses and patients (Naumann, & Ehrhart, 2011). The picture, therefore, indicates tha t teams should compose of workers from different levels such as nurses and doctors, and because of efficient user service delivery, they should also include consumers (Parker, 2010). This is because consumers are the ultimate users of goods, and they determine the success of the activities in an organization (Hiebart, & Clart, 2011). This means that user involvement should begin at the lowest level of a firm in order for it to achieve its objective. The photograph above indicates that teamwork should take place with an objective of increasing efficiency. The men from the right and left in the above picture have come together to repair the broken railway line. This means that the participants of the project would not be together were it not for the purpose of repairing the transport network. The objective of teamwork should also be positive and beneficial to a large number of users (Belbin, 2010). In the photograph above, the aim of the team is to enhance transport of people and reso urces between the two geographic regions. One region in the picture practices agriculture while the other does not, and this means that the railways line helps to deliver food products in the non-agricultural region. I suppose that teamwork in nursing should aim at providing consumers with critical health services that cannot be found anywhere else in the market. Members of teams cooperate and develop efficient techniques of delivering their services (Jasper, 2011). The repairing the railway indicates that service user involvement should have an aim for it to succeed. The lack of efficient communication in a team may lead to conflicts among group members. This indicates that there is need for effective communication skills among team members to avoid distortion of messages. However, in the case of the occurrence of conflicts among members of a group, the team leader should be responsible for ensuring that the misunderstanding ends. A team leader who possesses problem solving skills resolves the conflicts using his skills. This saves time that would be wasted by members on the problem, and it ensures that the team works towards achieving its goals. In the photograph above, there seems to be no team leader, and the members are standing because there is a conflict. The team should have employed a leader who would